0424 633 949
Monday to Thursday
9am - 3:30pm
Suite 3.20, Level 3, Wyong Office Tower (ING)
5 Dulmison Avenue, Wyong 2259
More Than Words Program
Are you curious about how to better connect with your child and embrace their unique ways of communicating? Are you looking for practical strategies to support your child's social interactions in everyday life? ​
At Talking Tots Speech Pathology, we offer the Hanen More Than Words® Program, as well as Hanen More Than Words® The 1:1 Way, for parents of children with social communication delays, or children who are Autistic.
What will I learn?
Through participating in the More Than Words sessions, you’ll gain:
A clear understanding of your child’s communication stage and practical steps to guide their growth
Easy-to-use strategies to support your child’s interaction and language development during everyday activities
Tools to help your child better understand what you’re saying and communicate more effectively
Techniques to capture your child’s attention for longer, making interactions more meaningful
Fun and creative ways to connect with your child while embracing their sensory preferences and unique personality
What is involved?
Initial Assessment
Fully optional summary report $150
Your child will first attend an initial assessment. In this assessment, your child’s language and interaction skills will be observed and assessed. Afterwards, we will confirm if More Than Words is right for your child.
No cost
A recorded orientation will be emailed to you to watch in your own time. It is required that you watch the orientation before your initial session.
More Than Words The 1:1 Way
More Than Words Group Program
8 sessions at $150 per session
1 x Initial Session
A child-parent observation, and an opportunity to collaboratively set goals for the following sessions
5 x 45 minute individual parent coaching sessions
Opportunities for you to learn and practice therapy strategies with your child, with supportive coaching and guidance from the speech pathologist
2 x video-feedback sessions
Watch yourself interacting with your child, and understand what you're doing well and what you could change to further support your child's interaction and communication development
The 1:1 Way
8 sessions at $150 per session
1 x Initial Session (Individual)
A child-parent observation, and an opportunity to collaboratively set goals for the following sessions
5 x 2 hour group sessions
Opportunities for you to learn and practice therapy strategies with other parents, lead by a speech pathologist
2 x video-feedback sessions (Individual)
Watch yourself interacting with your child, and understand what you're doing well and what you could change to further support your child's interaction and communication development
Group Program
What happens next?
After completing the sessions, your speech pathologist will discuss with you the next steps on an individual basis.
- You may take a break from therapy to practice the strategies at home. You will discuss a review time-frame for the speech pathologist to give you a call.
- Ongoing sessions may be recommended to continue practicing the strategies with the speech pathologist's guidance
- Ongoing sessions may be recommended to support other areas of communication (for example, their speech sounds, or using a communication device).